Welcome! ![]() Hello my fellow McRawrrers! I would like to say that anyone and everyone is welcome to read my blog (that's why it's public) but what's on my blog stays on my blog. I'm sixteen & I have a passion for baking and making stuff cuter than it already is. Try not to piss me off. I enjoy reading novels. Im a huge Tsubasa masuwaka , Xiaxue and Bubzbeauty fan. That's about it :) Tagboard! ![]() Credits! |
My Perth First Outing
On Friday Afternoon, I went to the city with my classmates in design process class for our portfolio that was due in week 8, our job was to take pictures of objects that looked like alphabets and also pictures of restaurant brands. It was a nice day overall we also went to harbour town. It was overall a nice and tiring day. These are some pictures I took
For you I'm in a long distance relationship. Being in a long distance relationship can be hard, it's just like a normal relationship except you can't do all the physical stuff like.. hug..kiss..cuddle..etc . It can be hard. It can be very very hard. I'm in love with him, he doesn't always see that but I do.. I really do. I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes haha, no one can compare to him. There is never a time where I'm not thinking about him, and I miss him all. the. time. I want to spend everyday with him and when I don't spend much time with him I ache inside. You see.. I know I can be annoying and I'm always saying corny and dorky things. I like to share how I feel about you alot of the time because I'm not ashamed of how I feel. I want you to know how I feel. I'm worry way too much about you hehe and sometimes when you're out and all and I don't leave you a message or how sometimes I don't sound energetic or excited, it's not because I don't want to talk to you or I'm not excited it's not, it's something else. I love talking to you, I really do and you're worth all of my time. Every moment, every second. When I make you mad or upset and we don't really solve it out and you're ignoring me, I feel so sick, every part of my body aches and especially my heart and if I have to sleep with that pain.. I have trouble sleeping and the next morning, when I get up the same feelings come back, as if it never left not because you're ignoring me though.. but because I'm guilty and I feel so bad to a point where the only thing that could make me feel better is if I know that you're okay. You're that one thing that can make me feel better. I love you so much, I love every part of you and it hurts me everytime you say something negative about yourself and that is the reason why I made that lame bet with you. I think you're cute, goodlooking, funny, attractive, loyal, honest, talented....there are so many good qualities about you and I know that you love me too :) . I can get jealous pretty easily but that's because I hate the fact that I have to share my kawaii kareshi who is a baka baka baka to anyone else! hmph! you belong to me and only me. At times like these I just feel like...
When you're out and stuff all I want to do is wrap myself with a blanket and roll on the floor like a potato. Nothing seems fun, I feel nothing. My whole world revolves around you and I miss you too much to even bother to do anything.There are so many reasons why I love you.. all the little things count and you have no idea how happy you make me feel. I feel so useless and sad when you're depressed because I can't cheer you up but I'm always trying.. you're SO entertaining and lovely even when you're playing your game and your focus isn't necessarily on me and you're not talking much. I don't mind, I love observing you. I love it. I love everything about you. Now I'm sorry if at times you realize, I'm not that cute, I'm not that pretty, I'm not that smart, I'm kinda annoying, I'm tad abit boring, I'm childish or how sometimes I accidentally do something that makes you jealous or I hurt you. I'm sorry! I'll try my best to improve myself. You're so awesome and sweet (just the right amount) and caring and wonderful.. I just..
eventhough I might not agree with you but it does feel good :3 . All I'm trying to say is I love you, I can't wait to meet you and do all the normal couple stuff that we currently cant. I ache for you, I trust you and rfoieofjefrejrejorejrejfreoijef I want us to last forever.
from now till forever.
Much love,
I celebrated my farewell party with my some of my close classmates as I will be leaving to study abroad soon and to my surprise, alot of them turn up and show their support and for those that were not able to make it, privately messaged me or passed a message to those who came and I thought it was just so sweet and genuine of them :) . I enjoyed the night so much and I want to thank everyone for coming.
I'll miss you all :).
Enjoy the selfies!
Also I went out with my two favourite girls on Saturday :) We got together to watch a hilarious movie called "Grown ups 3" Holy crap as usual, we were the ones that laughed the loudest and then we went to eat sushi. After eating we went to do some shopping :). Overall it was a fun and nicely spent day. Especially being able to catch up to each other after so long.
Till then,
much love,
heyhey I'mma blog about my trip, haha so this was in China, I bought this QQ drink and this freaking cup was huge like damn C PLUSPLUS YO, not only was it cheap but it was tasty as well
this is some random building near my hotel that I took HAHAHA for absolutely no reason!
I thought that these stairs were purdy purdy inrl but it looks crappy on cam, so unphotogenic stairs is unphotogenic
These are some Japanese snacks that I bought from the japanese department store near my hotel
so I decided to spoil myself alittle and bought this new juicy couture wallet haha I had a hard time picking between 3 of them the other two were in Black and Blue so.. AHHAA how can I betray my favourite colour :)
i took this selfie at this high class steamboat restaurant and the waiter was looking at me so I felt embarrassed but I pretended like I was a confident lil fishie HAHAHAHAHAh
ah forever 21, man did I buy alot of clothes
this was a famous tourist attraction opposite of forever 21 also famous for the shopping :)
^these are some clothes i bought from forever 21
I packed some prezzies for my buddies that I bought on vacation
I had to carry this bag around because the bag I was using the day on our reunion was too small to put all of the gifts in TT
Nachos and baked potato chicken @ Cheezbox w Winnie, Karyn & XL
Photos from reunion dinner;
A trip to Seria;
so I decided to bring my "City" girls to my hometown haha and I had such a blast it was really a fun day for me and I bumped into some of my old friends so yeah, overall such a fun and well spent day
Trip to HK & China;
Cute penguin balloons at my hotel's Lobby
I really love the design of this hotel though, the room is small ( not suprising since it's in Hk) but it has a modern feel and the price is appropriate.
Oh i love this pizza shop! The pizzas are fresh and delicious and not to mention, HUGE!
These are quotes on a menu from a cafe called "sweet tooth" I love it. All the desserts I had in the shop was sooooooooo goood!
Random Hongkong food;
Cute plushie shop;
Random hotel room with great interior design as well;
Ajisen Ramen Restaurant;
Some ngeh nothing special desserts;
On our car trip to china we stopped at a hotel to take our lunch and look what they had in their lobby a freaking aquarium for turtle HAHAH CUS FISHES ARE TOO MAINSTREAM!
some food from the restaurant;
Food from Food Court at our hotel;
Random Miku Poster that caught my eye, I think it was for a cosplay convention;
Super good lime juice & famous hk porkchop bun;
Random selfies;
One of my favourite seafood dishes;
Black and white burgers from McD ;
Took some pictures while I was shopping w my brohoe;
My new luggage and handbag that I bought on my trip;
hotel room in macau;
Fat burger's ;
Starbuck's desserts;
Yummy in my tummy boba;
Inside of the "3 flavoured Porkchop bun" ;
Korean icecream;
Looking at this makes me hungry...
Potatoskins with onions and bacon;
Mango Mousse;
Nitrogen Durian Icecream;
Hongkong Transportation;
In the car w le cuzzie and the bro ;
The three of us aren't fans of hellokitty but LOL we took alot of pichas;
Come buy's Boba;
On the train;
Near this restaurant is a place where they sell seafood and stuff so basically its really cool because you have to go to the market to buy these seafood urself and bring it to the restaurant and they will cook it for you!
in durh lift in our hotel;
During Breakfast on my last day;
kawaii rilakkuma wedding cake
Made some oreoballs for Tash & winnie;
Went to tash's ;
That's it for now.
Much love,